Olympus Infinity or AF-1

Olympus Infinity, originally uploaded by *jj*.
Unlike the rest of the Infinity (if not Stylus) family, this camera has a Zuiko lens. It bridges the Zuiko lens of the XA series, while seeking out the full AF AE features of the Infinity Stylus models.

Also known as the AF-1 and Nurepika. (Note: a Warhol camera.)

Arty has the basic specs.
I had to open up the camera to clean the uv filter. The weather proofing gasket made it difficult to take out the screws. I didn't not bother to put the gasket back in. Technically, no longer a wet flash. But I think it will do better and not develop any more fungus on the filter. Just like a leaky condo, sometimes it's better to let a camera breathe.

Note: the camera lacks a NO FLASH option. Learn to love the flash. With a slowest shutter speed of 1/30 (max is 1/700) this camera most likely emphasizes sharpness.

Another thing, the focus lock is very odd. Press the focus lock. Hold it down. Then hold down the shutter. It won't fire. Then recompose. Then RELEASE the focus lock! It shoots.

If you want to disengage without firing, simply take your finger off the shutter release.
The best way to hold it is with your left hand index finger on the focus lock. This means you will have three fingers on the front side. I tried to do it with my left thumb but it was awkward.
See pics below.


JJ Lee said…
I will never be a hand model but at least my nails are clean.
danfaz said…
Thanks, I now know how to use this!
Anonymous said…
I know I'm a bit late but thanks for the information I just found one of these,
this will fit in nicely with my Olympus collection!
Mike Padua said…
Just found one at my local Goodwill for $4.99! Needs a battery but I'm excited to shoot with it! Thanks for writing up this information.
Unknown said…
Hallo JJ, I live in Germany and have read your interesting article. You wrote, that you opened the camera in order to clean the UV-Filtre. Would you be so kind to explain, how you opened it, resp. the "front panel"? Maybe with some pictures? Thank you very much. With kind regards, Paul
Richierich said…
A few years has passed, but I just read the same article. I just removed the front plastic sticker with the red circle and ran a tiny screwdriver around the uv filter until the glue came out. Then popped off the plastic filter and cleaned are with alcohol. The front sticker is bent and not fit for replacing but at least I have a bright lens again!