Rewiring the Instax Wide 300... #instaxhack

...without the lens cover opening
...without flash.
...without shutter control.
...without exposure control.

BUT with...

...Instax Wide film ejecting.
...developing rollers rolling
...stopping when the film ejects.

All controlled through the circuit board.

It begins.

Here's how it looks, right NOW! I'm holding the power wires leading from the battery case. That's my first re-soldering job. But wait.

I first have to screw down the lens barrel and housing as per below. Note the image is upside down. The two screws you see are at the top, not the bottom of the lens housing.

I want to get the above two screws in because they sit under the circuit board. I need to put the circuit board in place and reconnect to test which of the many wires does what and then short circuit certain processes, which I will explain as I go along.


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