Is it possible to remove the filter/lens protector housing on a Konica Big Mini?

Hi, JJ: 
Do you have the Konica Big Mini BM-201? Is there a small clear piece in front of the lens (e.g., front filter)? If so, is it possible to remove the protruding (in the case of the 201) square mechanism to clean dust from the actual lens? Do you think the clear piece noticeably takes away from image "quality," or would you say it adds to (at least what I consider to be) the lush dreamy grainy images this lens tends to produce? Thanks! 
PS: I saw this blog post and it got me thinking. -bm-201.html

Though it's difficult to infer given it's written in another language, what do you reckon is going on in the photos? Why do you think the glass is pinkish? Is this a modification Hiromix and Robert Frank may have done? I apologize if this is overload, I just get really excited about the little point and shoots from this era.

Good question. I have a broken Big Mini BM-201. I'll see if one can remove the plate from the front without hurting the auto-focus. Stand by...

Okay, it may be possible. But be very careful and make sure you have a screwdriver that fits.

This is only a best guess, so please, proceed at your own risk. This is to remove the front housing without opening up the whole camera. You don't want to do that.

  1. Turn on the camera.
  2. Make it focus on something very close so it goes into macro. The lens barrel should project all the way out.
  3. Hold the focus.
  4. Take out the battery. The barrel is hopefully still projecting out. You will notice on the sides two screws.
  5. Remove the screws, I believe the filter/protector will come out. Be careful as the light sensor is housed in the "box". It should not be attached to it.

PS: I don't think any mods would have been done on the camera by either photographer.

Regarding the dreamy lushness - the Konica lenses are known for their sharpness and simultaneously nice bokeh in the out-of-focus areas when the aperture is wide open.

What is going on with your camera?

PPS Don't clean the lens unless you absolutely have to.

Thanks for your great questions!


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